(浙江师范大学 教师教育学院,浙江 金华,321019)
中图分类号:G633.51 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-0186(2022)01—0131—09
在新高考改革的纲领性文件《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》中,对高校招生这三个阶段的改革完善都有明确的指示。[1] 纵观全国改革版图,“前期准备”阶段的改革主要由教育部统筹实施,各省份的改革举措主要分布在“评价”与“录取”两个阶段。其中“评价”阶段的改革是此次高考综合改革的重点、亮点、突破口,也是难点和舆论关注的焦点。
1. 学考纳入。高中学考纳入高校招生评价体系,实行“统一高考科目+高中学考科目”的科目设置方式,总体上形成“3+3”和“3+1+2”两种科目组合。
高中学业水平考试(简称高中学考或学考)纳入高校招生评价体系,是对《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》“逐步推行普通高校基于统一高考和高中学业水平考试成绩的综合评价多元录取机制”[2]43和《国务院关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》 “增强高考与高中学习的关联度,考生总成绩由统一高考的语文、数学、外语3个科目成绩和高中学业水平考试3个科目成绩组成”要求的具体落实。
前2批6省份均实行“3(统一高考科目语数外)+3(高中学考科目)”的科目组合;后2批15省份均实行“3+1(首选高中学考科目)+2(再选高中学考科目)”的组合。 “3+1+2”在实质上与“3+3”是相通的,其实质就是“统一高考科目+高中学考科目”。
[1] 国务院.关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见(国发[2014]35号)
[2]中共中央. 关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定[M].北京:人民出版社,2013.
[3] 边新灿,韩月.论高考改革作为一种教育评价改革[J] .中国高教研究,2021(4):28-35.
[4] 教育部.关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见
[8]边新灿.关于新高考选择性问题的思考[J] .中国高教研究,2019(3):39-46.
[10]边新灿.我国评价选拔制度的螺旋式演进和高考公平效益问题的历史观照[J] .浙江社会科学,2018(5):86-96.
Comprehensive Analysis and Reflection on the New College Entrance Examination Scheme in 21 Provinces
BIAN Xincan
Fund Project: Pedagogy project of National Social Science Foundation of China in 2018 "Research on tracking and evaluation of deepening and improvement scheme of Zhejiang new college entrance examination"(BHA180146).
Author: BIAN Xincan, Professor of Teacher Education College of Zhejiang Normal University and researcher of Zhejiang Education Examination Authority.
Abstract: Nowadays 21 provinces have joined the new college entrance examination reform, and the ideas and contents of the new college entrance examination reform have basically taken shape. The content of the reform mainly includes four aspects: the reform of examination subject setting and scoring method; reform of evaluation criteria and evaluation methods; reform of admission links; enrollment reform of classified examination in Higher Vocational Education. The direct background of the new college entrance examination is to implement the deployment of the CPC Central Committee to comprehensively deepen reform, the meso background is to echo the high school curriculum reform, and the long-term background is to implement the educational policy of all-round development, overcome three old and difficult problems and promote the healthy growth of students. The release of “the General Plan for Deepening the Education Evaluation Reform in the New Era” by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has injected a strong impetus into the reform of the new college entrance examination. The overall design of the reform can be summarized as "one body, four sides and diversity". To further promote the reform of the new college entrance examination, we must deal with three pairs of important relations: the relationship between national needs, college requirements and personal development; The relationship between examination law and education law; The relationship between equity and benefit (operation benefit, quality benefit and system benefit).
Keywords: the new college entrance examination scheme in 21 provinces; Comprehensive analysis; comparative analysis
作者:浙江师范大学 边新灿