图为“大乐园”上课情景截图。 图为学生的手工和插花作品。 图片均为受访者提供 近日,来自澳大利亚、马来西亚、缅甸、印度尼西亚、新加坡、毛里求斯、阿联酋、比利时、荷兰、蒙古国等10多个国家的300多名华裔青少年,在“2023年线上中华文化大乐园——亚洲园”度过了难忘的12天。通过“实景课堂”、云端游学,这些海外华裔青少年与祖(籍)国的心更近了。 “课虽然多,但是很开心” 假...
![]() 原标题:华裔青少年云端领略中国之美(侨界关注) 特别声明:本站注明稿件来源为其他媒体的文/图等稿件均为转载稿,并不意味着赞同其观点或者证实其内容的真实性。如转载稿涉及版权等问题,请作者在两周内速来函camelboy#163.com联系,会在24小时内删除。 Notice: The articles / pictures and other manuscripts that this website notes as the source of manuscripts from other media are reprinted manuscripts, which does not mean that they agree with their views or confirm the authenticity of their contents. If the reprinted manuscript involves copyright and other issues, please contact the author by letter within two weeks. 相关阅读
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