在江苏省如皋市如城街道仙鹤社区农家书屋内,小朋友在阅读节气绘本。 徐 慧摄(人民图片) 寒假将至,如何让孩子们度过一个丰富多彩又有意义的假期?相信很多老师和家长都会说:“去读书吧!”“阅读”,已成为最有价值感的寒假礼物之一,而中国原创图画书,也成为越来越多孩子们的选择。 图画书,也称绘本,是一种文图共同参与叙事的儿童读物形式。在儿童阅读中,图画书常常被作为一个单独类别进行研究与推广。...
![]() 原标题:原创图画书,以儿童视角讲述中国故事 特别声明:本站注明稿件来源为其他媒体的文/图等稿件均为转载稿,并不意味着赞同其观点或者证实其内容的真实性。如转载稿涉及版权等问题,请作者在两周内速来函camelboy#163.com联系,会在24小时内删除。 Notice: The articles / pictures and other manuscripts that this website notes as the source of manuscripts from other media are reprinted manuscripts, which does not mean that they agree with their views or confirm the authenticity of their contents. If the reprinted manuscript involves copyright and other issues, please contact the author by letter within two weeks. 相关阅读
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