
全球数学竞赛开奖,20位金、银、铜奖获得者中,有17个中国名字, 其中有6个在美国,3个在德国、法国、加拿大,也就是说,在国外 的“华人面孔”占总数的一半还多。美国网友问,鉴于中国教育强调死记硬背,为什么中国学生在美国数学竞赛中会表现如此出色?我们看看各国网友的回答。...

全球数学竞赛开奖,20位金、银、铜奖获得者中,有17个中国名字, 其中有6个在美国,3个在德国、法国、加拿大,也就是说,在国外 的“华人面孔”占总数的一半还多。美国网友问,鉴于中国教育强调死记硬背,为什么中国学生在美国数学竞赛中会表现如此出色?我们看看各国网友的回答。

I am a Chinese student. The school encourages us to recite some famous essays, poems and English words. We may also be encouraged to remember historical facts and events, but the same rules obviously do not apply to mathematics or any other natural science education.


Generally speaking, Chinese students' mathematical problems in middle school or high school are more challenging than those in other countries. I do not believe that all these problems can be solved by pure theorem memory. These challenging problems have improved the average level of Chinese students' mathematical problem-solving ability.


The most important reason why Chinese students perform well in international competitions is that they are good at math in middle school or high school, even in primary school, which is a great honor. Therefore, most "smart" students are very active in spending their time on improving their math skills. At the same time, a student who is good at other courses, such as Chinese, English, history, politics, and even sports, has no chance to get the same honor.


Being good at mathematics also means having the opportunity to skip the college entrance examination and enter the most famous university in China. Winning the first prize in the national mathematics competition (ranking the top 40 in a province, among about 100000 to 1 million students) will guarantee admission to top universities. Over the years, this policy has undergone some changes, but being good at mathematics still helps college enrollment.


The problems that students need to solve in such competitions are very challenging. Such competitions also help to select the national team of IMO. At the same time, students who are good at physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and have won awards in similar competitions have the opportunity to be admitted to top universities.
